Wan Chai à la Carte app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Hong Kong Trade Development Council
First release : 08 Aug 2017
App size: 15.25 Mb
「惜食 ‧ 識食」
每個香港人,尤其是走在中外新舊食肆高度集中的灣仔街頭,要解決早午晚三餐可不是件隨隨便便的事—— 每個人都會覺得自己是識飲識食的美食家—— 畢竟都真的是一路這樣吃喝長大,見多識廣,自然挑剔講究。
對飲食原材料的深入了解,對不同地域烹調手法的準確認識,對不同價位和社會身分的食物的開放包容,這為之「識食」。但近年社會進一步提倡的「惜食」,就未必是一般識食之人能夠做到。從謹慎選擇購買日常所需食材,善用廚餘,到餐具質材選擇,「走塑」、「減碳」以至有機環保食材和素食選擇⋯⋯ 惜食是個龐大的飲食議題,也是指向未來的生活方式和原則操守。
所以一年一度的「食通灣仔」飲食文化地圖,義無反顧的擁抱「惜食 ‧ 識食」這個主題,這才是真正挑剔講究的飲食態度。
“Eat Wise-Food Wise”
The Wan Chai neighbourhood is filled with a plethora of restaurants serving food from every corner of the world. With so many eateries to choose from, deciding where to go for breakfast, lunch or dinner is never an easy task for Hong Kong people. We live in a food paradise and it is only natural that we should be fussy about what we eat.
To “eat wise” means to have a strong understanding of what constitutes good food – whether it’s the tasting menu at a Michelin-starred restaurant or a bowl of noodles in a down-to-earth eatery. Having knowledge of the ingredients used and the region-specific cooking methods employed can all help to deepen our appreciation. “Food wise”, meanwhile, is a concept promoted in Hong Kong in recent years that covers a wide range of issues, from the amount of food we leave on our plates to the way food waste is recycled. It’s about being more sustainable in the way we dine, reducing the use of plastic utensils, consuming low-carb and vegetarian meals, and opting for organic ingredients. “Food wise” is a lifestyle and principle that everyone should pursue.
The 2019-2020 Wan Chai à la Carte embraces the theme of “Eat Wise-Food Wise” to encourage people to think more about what they eat and make wiser and more eco-friendly food choices.
Travel and Food Writer
Craig Au Yeung